
Chelmer Valley Woodturners Newsletter

February 2021

 Words from the Chair

How do we stay positive? Something I have been thinking about quite a lot over the past few months. I suppose it’s not unreasonable to suggest staying busy ought to keep one on track but not mixing with friends who speak the same language; that is woodturning, ideas seem to slow down. I am convinced that talking about turning makes you want to get out to the lathe and do just that. Therefore I suggest you and I should consider speaking with fellow turners and get fresh inspiration.

Lacking usable wall space I have had my tools on a trolley adjacent to the lathe but keeping them tidy and identifiable has forever been a problem. Something reminded me of an article which showed a turners workshop and in the background of the photograph was a carousel loaded with gouges. That is what my latest project has been and my tools are now standing tidily and accessible on a carousel, it takes up half the floor space and the trolley fits neatly under my lathe as storage. Now back to turning, any ideas? Any one?

The vaccine jab has been on offer to us, I’ve had my first one and I hope you are all getting yours. It does make me feel there is now light at the end of the tunnel and perhaps we can all meet again sooner rather than later.

Take care and stay safe.


Not too much to update this month, so do let us know what you’ve been up to. It’s always great to hear from our members, and to see what they are doing.

There have been thirteen new newsletter subscribers since the new website went live. We look forward to welcoming you all to our club once we can meet again.

Woodturning Zoom - https://woodturningzoom.com/

Further to Barry’s note, you might want to tag on to some events that are happening online. WoodturningZoom has been set up as online woodturning club. How novel!

If you decide to get involved, let us know your experience! - info@chelmerwood.co.uk

Conkers Live

This coming Wednesday Les Thorne, will be demonstrating free of charge on YouTube at 7:30pm. The ‘doors’ open at 7pm. We’ll see you there!


Meeting online?

Apologies - The link was broken last month, it should all be fixed now.

Your committee has recently met and discussed the possibility of having sessions online where we can meet virtually.

We would use a software package called Zoom. Zoom is like a meeting room, but you're at home on the sofa! You don't have install anything if you don't want to, and all you have to do is follow a link and enter a password (that we will email out to you in advance) are you're in with us.

Preferably you'd have a camera and microphone - usually these are built in together. 95% of laptops, tablets, mobiles will have no trouble getting into the meeting. For desktop users, you may have an external camera that you can just plug in. If you don't have one, they cost around £15 from places like Amazon or your local supermarket.

We are looking to see if this of interest to our members - please let us know your thoughts in the Survey linked below

We are at hand to give support and guidance and have set up a number of members online already. You'll be surprised how easy it can be when someone is there to give you a hand.

Please let us know your thoughts by answering the below questions.

Chelmer Valley Woodturners Competition 2020


The names of all entries have now been attached, so you can look to see if who you thought the turning belonged to was right! www.chelmerwood.co.uk/competition-entries


Show and tell - March’s Theme

We’ll be changing the approach to the monthly competition, the AWGB are now running a monthly competition called Show and Tell where you can enter to win a £50 voucher.

Green wood warping – The end of March is typically the end of the coppicing season. This months theme tasks you to use green wood and use the drying process to create interest. Hats can be made this way by controlling the drying process. What spin can you put on it?

£50 voucher plus a further £50 of voucher by Turners Retreat.

See existing entries here - www.awgb.co.uk/show-tell/march-2021-show-and-tell-entries/

See how to enter and the rules here - www.awgb.co.uk/show-tell/show-tell-rules/

Chairman@chelmerwood.co.uk - Barry Tucker-Vincent

Secretary@chelmerwood.co.uk - Steve Crouchman

Treasurer@chelmerwood.co.uk - Ted Higgs

Events@chelmerwood.co.uk - Louise Biggs

Comments, suggestions or feedback?

Please send your thoughts to info@chelmerwood.co.uk.

Alternatively, contact our Chairman, Barry Tucker-Vincent at chairman@chelmerwood.co.uk